
YOUR RESULT: Turn Your Website Into A Lead Generating Machine With An Opt-In Offer

Watch this video to discover the best way to improve the conversions you are getting from your current website.

READ THIS: 5 Proven Steps To Capturing More Customers On Your Business Website

You might be thinking about your website all wrong. If people are visiting your website to get information but are not buying from you then the problem that you are likely experiencing is that your website is outdated, and is not living up to its full potential.

When set up correctly websites can be a powerful way to capture interested people and convert them into happy paying customers.

Here is what we suggest that you do instead:

Step #1 – Create a special offering for people who are visiting your website and who would like to learn more. This offering can either be a discount code on a first-time purchase that they can claim OR a free information product like an informative video, an e-book, or a training course. If you decide to go with the information product make sure that is provides them with valuable information that they cannot access anywhere else on your website.

Step #2 – Create an opt-in embed form where the person must put in their name and email in order to submit the form and access the promised payoff behind it. ( Either the discount offer OR your information product ) This form should then automatically direct them after they submit it AND add them to your marketing contact list at the same time.

You may even want to have a notification system set up to inform you via email when this form is submitted so you can follow up with the leads right away.

Step #3 – Embed this form into various pages on your website so that people who spend time on your website can interact with it.

Step #4 – Create a few variations of creative ads, that are meant to drive people to your website and optimize them for lead generation, counting how many people submit this specific form on your website.

Step #5 – When someone submits your opt-in form, either send them a personalized message or set up an automated greeting that introduces yourself and what your business offers. Once you have several contacts on the email list that you are building begin to send them emails regularly to stay top of mind. 

Make Sure That

✔️Your processing works ( you can actually take people’s money ) 

✔️ Your data Pixel is installed, so that you can run re-marketing to the leads that you are grabbing

✔️ You do not stop the ads unless they are not getting any clicks at all, you want to let people populate your website and read your sales copy

It all starts with a conversation. Hop on our calendar for a 1:1 introduction call with one of our most experienced adstronauts.